
Lime Flower

Benefits of Lime Flower

Lime flower (Tilia cordata) also known as Linden, comes from a large deciduous tree and strangely has nothing to do with citrus fruit, it has also been called 'the nectar of Kings' due to its…


Pumpkin 101: What to do with your pumpkin?

So, no trick or treating this year but that isn’t going to stop us from having a spooky Halloween. I will be honest and say that I have never really mastered the craft of pumpkin…


The Power of Chamomile

Chamomile has a long tradition of being utilised in natural medicines helping ailments from sore throats and digestive problems to aiding in stress relief and subsequently helping to get a good night sleep. It is…

Elderberries: The Hedgerow Jewels

Elderberries: The Hedgerow Jewels

I had never foraged for anything before we had started Healthipops and what better way to start than with elderberries! They grow in abundance alongside Britain’s country lanes and woodlands during late summer/early autumn. We…